Slavic Linguistic Atlas

(Slovak participation in the international project)

2022 - 2025

Coordinator: Medzinárodná komisia pre Slovanský jazykový atlas pri Medzinárodnom komitéte slavistov

Project Coordinator: Martin Chochol

Researchers at ĽŠIL SAS: Adriana Ferenčíková, Pavol Žigo, Ľubica Dvornická, Ľubor Králik

Cooperating countries: Bulharsko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Bielorusko, Česko, Nemecko, Chorvátsko, Macedónsko, Poľsko, Rusko, Srbsko, Slovinsko, Ukrajina

Program: Interacademic agreement (MAD)


Project Slavic Linguistic Atlas (Slovak participation in the international project) allows Slovak dialectologists to continue in the international cooperation of academic and university institutions of all Slavic countries on preparation of multivolume Slavic Linguistic Atlas (Obščeslavianskij lingvističeskij atlas; hereinafter SLA). In particular volumes of the two series of this atlas (phonetic and grammatical, lexical and word-formation), there are presented phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical, word-formation and semantic phenomena in the whole Slavic language territory and Slavic enclaves in the other-language environment. A geographic picture of the dialect situation is an important source of information about the internal dynamics of language and ethnic and cultural processes. It offers new impulses for historical and comparative linguistics, and for research of Slavic and other ethnic linguistic, cultural, political, and economic contacts.