The semantic development of Polish and Slovak words of Proto-Slavic origin
2023 - 2024
Project Coordinator at ĽŠIL SAS: Ľubor Králik
Grant scheme and Evidence number: SAV Mobility s pracoviskami Poľskej akadémie vied (projekt č. PAS-SAS-2022-15)
Annotation: The project will be conducted at the intersection of historical linguistics and dialectology. The basic goal of the project involves the analysis of examples of cognate Polish and Slovak words which are characterised by specific semantic development. The basic goal also involves the emphasis on these similarities or differences in the Polish and Slovak contexts. The scope of research will cover both languages, including their dialects (especially the ones which represent a linguistic borderland area). The purpose of collaboration is to examine the problems associated with the existence of analogous linguistic phenomena and the Polish-Slovak linguistic contacts.