Discriminatory Instrumentalization of Language

Discriminatory Instrumentalization of Language 2019 – 2022

Principal Investigator: Lucia Molnár Satinská

Co-Principal Investigator: Roman Soóky

Researchers: Perla Bartalošová, Júlia Behýlová, Júlia Choleva, Slavomír Ondrejovič, Jaroslava Rusinková, Jana Wachtarczyková

Project summary: The project aims to describe the manifestations of discriminatory language instrumentalization, explaining them in the context of offering and reproducing social relations, and to draw conclusions for the support of anti-discrimination activities in society. The studied language is the contemporary Slovak in terms of how its discriminatory potential in its cultural environment is being updated and what anti-discrimination activities are desirable for the gradual democratization of society. The conceptual framework is defined by parameters: using and mastering the language, language ideology and politics and interpretation of language products. The methodological basis is the parallel application of the objectivistic and ethnomethodological approach to the observed phenomena, which corresponds to the intention to confront the view of the observer and the users of the language on language discrimination, and thus to recognize their perceptiveness of this phenomenon.

Instruments for Creating Social Reality: Language - Discrimination - Society

International conference

Organizer: Department of Social Linguistics, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS

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Outputs & Outcomes