Linguistic reflection of the "new normal" values in contemporary Slavic languages

2023 – 2024

Project Coordinator: Jana Wachtarczyková

Researchers at ĽŠIL SAS: Natália Kolenčíková, Júlia Behýlová

Partner Institution: Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

Grant scheme and Evidence number: PAS-SAS-2022-01

Annotation: The project responds to the current global social situation, which is characterized by the search for new standards of social functioning and verbal behavior after the COVID-19 pandemic. The phenomenon of New Normal, which is very specific for the Slovak and Czech language environment moments (energy crisis, Russian invasion of Ukraine). The aim of the project is to capture, describe and compare how the formation of New Normal manifests in Slovak and Polish languages, how the formatting of items in the framework of values takes place under the pressure of current crisis moments, what are the changes in the hierarchy of values, how these changes are thematized in the social discourse and by which language means they are expressed.