Declension of adjectives in Slovak with corpus examples


Researcher at ĽŠIL SAS: A. Karčová

Grant scheme and Evidence number: SAS return scheme

Annotation: The subject of the project is research on the declension of adjectives in contemporary Slovak. It is focused on researching the types of paradigms according to the current status of the use of adjective forms and their formal classification, also on the related phenomenon of variability of paradigm forms. For research at the level of synchrony, the explanatory-descriptive method, based on the empirical investigation of real language material, proves to be suitable. The analysis of large-scale textual data should be interpreted taking into account the current results of research in this area, as well as the content standards of education. The selected extensive data of the Slovak National Corpus and other supplementary sources represent an irreplaceable basis for investigating the current state of linguistic reality. Research results in the form of clear diagrams and examples, clear interpretations of the observed phenomena are to be presented in the form of a separate publication intended not only for the wider professional public.