Slovak orthography and its rules in the context of contemporary linguistics and language practice 2
Project Coordinator: G. Múcsková
Researchers at ĽŠIL SAS: Sibyla Mislovičová, Silvia Duchková, Ingrid Hrubaničová, Judita Páleniková, Kristína Piatková, Jaroslava Rusinková, Iveta Vančová, Romana Krolčíková, Daša Cimermanová
Partner Institution: Filozofická fakulta, UK
Grant scheme and Evidence number: VEGA 2/0132/24
Annotation: The project follows on from the project of the same name, which is currently ending, within which two outputs are currently being finalized - a dictionary and a publication focused on spelling. The ambition of the researchers is to initiate a series of Academic Handbook of Slovak, within which additional parts covering different levels of the language and lexical groups requiring a higher level of standardization would gradually be created. The goal of the presented project is to follow up on the first parts of the handbook with a separate volume focused on word-formation and grammatical issues of the use of proper names. Specifically, it will deal with the names of municipalities, parts of municipalities, states and their capitals, population names and adjectives derived from them, as well as treatment of the issue of surnames, family names derived from them and the issue of spontaneous inflection of female surnames. Another circle will be made up of words of foreign origin and associated assimilation processes and other phenomena causing linguistic uncertainty. Discussions with the professional and broader cultural public will also be part of the solution of the presented project.