Lexis of the Slovak Minor Place Names (Anoikonyms) – 2nd part

2024 - 2027

Principal Investigator: I. Valentová

Other Researchers: Anna Ramšáková, Tatiana Laliková, Patrik Jakubek, Filip Pacalaj, Juraj Majo

Partner Institution: Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS

Grant scheme and Evidence number: VEGA 2/0026/24

Annotation: Anoikonyms, as a special class of geographical names, are the closest to appellative vocabulary of all proper names. Anoikonymical lexis complements our understanding of vocabulary development and serves as valuable evidence in the research of the development and division of Slovak dialects. Anoikonyms reflect material and spiritual culture, as well as economic, historical, political, social, ethnic, and other relationships and their development. Therefore, the lexis contained in anoikonyms provides interesting information not only for linguistics but also for other scientific disciplines and has wider social applications. The research tasks involve the continuation of the grant project Lexis of the Slovak Anoikonyms. According to the concept of digital lexicographical and areal processing of both appellative and proprial Slovak anoikonymical lexis (including anoikonyms adapted into the Slovak language), we will continue with the digitalization of anoikonyms, the creation of dictionary entries for both the digital and printed versions of the dictionary and making them available online.