Verb Valency Potentials in Contrast

01/2024 – 12/2027

Project Coordinator: Katedra romanistiky Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Matela Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Researcher at ĽŠIL SAS: K. Gajdošová

Grant scheme and Evidence number: VEGA 1/0008/24

Annotation: The project of basic research aims at contrastive synchronous investigation on valency and semantic patterns of Slovak and French verbs. It focuses on a comparison of valency potential of the most frequent verbs in Slovak and in French in relation to their semantic structures. The projects relates to VEGA grant project n. 1/0790/10 (2010 – 2011) Contrastive Research of Grammar Metalanguage : Terminology of Verb oriented towards grammar metalanguage analysis, namely the verb-related terminology in Slovak and in three chosen Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian). The project is also connected to the APVV grant project n. SK-FR-0023-11 Conception of a New Grammar of Slovak Language for a French-speaking Public. The investigation will be based on material consisting of Slovak and French texts provided by the French-Slovak Parallel Corpus developed by the Slovak Academy of Science’ Linguistic Institute of Ľ. Štúr in Bratislava.