Digital Collection of Slovak Prose (DISPRO)

2021 - 2025

Project Coordinator at ĽŠIL SAS: Miroslav Zumrík

Researchers at ĽŠIL SAS: Beáta Kmeťová, Romana Krolčíková

Project Coordinator: Centrum digitálnych humanitných vied, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Grant scheme and Evidence number: APVV-20-0414

Annotation: The project is focused on applied interdisciplinary research in digital humanities. The aim of the project is to create an online accessible and comprehensively annotated full-text digital collection of Slovak prose until 1951 (with regard to copyright and GDPR). The digital collection of literary texts of this scope and characteristics is still absent in Slovakia, which is especially felt by literary scholars and the wider professional public. The collection will be processed and annotated according to European standards (ELTeC) so that it can be applied to advanced methods of computer processing of literary texts, generally referred to as distant reading. The project also includes the education of scholars and the general public in the use of the digital collection of Slovak prose, and dissemination of scientific methods based on distant reading to the wider range of humanities. The main applied outputs of the project are following: an online digital collection of Slovak prose until 1951, an interactive web portal, user guides, and a series of educational workshops.