Collocation visualization

Visualize distribution of distances between correlated words in the ARANEA Corpora or the Slovak National Corpus.

Enter two words (or lemma, or CQL expressions) (e.g.. pull string):

options: within </> between-word token:
log y

size of the corpus AranSlov_x is 125000644 tokens
frequency of slovné: 766; ipm=6.0
frequency of spojenie: 11289; ipm=90.0
frequency of tight collocation slovné spojenie: 399; ipm=3.2
mean frequency of spojenie in our sample (right context of slovné): 66.833; ipm=0.53
frequency of spojenie in collocation with slovné, assuming they are independent: 0.069±0.006; ipm=0.00055
mean distance |slovné,spojenie| in our sample (right context of slovné): 1.017±0.249
Fitting... log

Collocation of the words slovné (x=0) and spojenie:

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